BONUS IRIS FOR EVERY 5 ORDERED or VALUE! (Added at shipping from available plants. We also attempt to match with your order. Suggestions welcome. Up to 5 as shipping weight is affected). Shipping from July to September based on your climate (AIS judges get 10% dicount, ask us how).
(Paul Black 2017) BB, 26" (66 cm), Midseason to late bloom.
Pretty old rose colors, more gold on standards with rose-violet wash on falls. Oregon.
Standards mid butter gold, blushed old rose ¹⁄₃˝ up midribs; style arms mid butter gold; falls mid light butter gold washed rose-violet blend, darker on haft, lighter toward margin, mid plum-brown veins over haft; beards big, saturated orange; slight spicy fragrance.
Seedling# V174C: 'Very Very Good' X seedling# P92A: ('Lady of the Night' x 'Paul Black').